📄️ Sponsorship overview
DevOpsDays are unique events, organized by and for the local community of DevOps practitioners. Most sponsor companies have large Marketing and Sales departments and are used to working with multiple, professional corporate conferences each year.
📄️ Timeline
We cannot sell sponsorships until we have something to offer. We start to plan the sponsorship offers as soon as we have the details. Companies often require months to allocate sponsorship money, especially around budget or fiscal year end times.
📄️ Prospectus
We create a prospectus that answers basic event questions as well as why companies should invest. Make sure to consider what information corporations, HR, Marketing, and Sales teams will need to justify spending money, such as: why sponsor this event, how much is each level of sponsorship, what are the differences between sponsor levels/options, who is attending, what access do sponsors get to participants.
📄️ Responsibilities of all sponsorship committee members
Reply to all inbound emails for sponsor requests
📄️ Sponsor communications