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We create a prospectus that answers basic event questions as well as why companies should invest. Make sure to consider what information corporations, HR, Marketing, and Sales teams will need to justify spending money, such as: why sponsor this event, how much is each level of sponsorship, what are the differences between sponsor levels/options, who is attending, what access do sponsors get to participants.

Set expectations on DevOpsDays norms including: no sponsor talks, no lead scanners, no special/bulk pricing for multiple DoD events, no attendee lists, CoC requirements, and who to contact.

Include photos of the venue, sponsors interacting with participants, and the venue layout.

Include statistics from previous years or an expected attendance. Good statistics include: names of companies represented, titles of participants, attendance numbers, other sponsor company names, and/or industries represented.

Include a section for Rules and FAQs. Cover event-unique items such as the venue address, shipping in/out rules, requirements for insurance or payment, etc.

This prospectus needs to be created in PDF format. It should be uploaded via a pull request to the devopsdays/devopsdays-assets GitHub repo in the events/YYYY/chicago/ directory, and should be named YYYY-chicago-devopsdays-prospectus.pdf. Once merged, the URL to the prospectus will be