Committees and Leads
These are the committees as we currently approach them, and their responsibilities.
Decision-makers for the program. This committee is responsible for talk selection. Other responsibilities include all speaker communications.
Social Events
Speaker dinner plus evening event.
- Responsible for soliciting and communicating with sponsors
- Structure of all sponsor packages (benefits and price)
- Provide guidance/education for sponsors on engagement/structure for sponsoring the event
- Work with A/V on any requirements for sponsors regarding recordings, videos, etc
- Covers venue, AV, and catering. Specific leads for each of them to be assigned. (May need a separate team for Catering)
- Manage livestream, etc
- Management of all digital assets (prerecorded talks, interstitial videos, sponsor recordings, etc)
- Responsible for Run of Show
- Includes logo design as well as all swag.
- Social media, email lists, and other promotion and advertising functions.
- Ultimately responsible for social media leading up to, and during, the event.
- Also includes badges.
Health and Safety
- Ownership of things related to health (COVID, etc)
- This also is the owner of Code of Conduct (including response, etc)
- May be a single person, although that is risky
Virtual Experience
Dotted line/overlay to all committees to look at how to ensure the virtual participants are not "forgotten"
Might be a single person.
Organizer Summit (2023 Event Only)
Committee in charge of the "day zero" Global Organizer Summit.
Overlays into all other committees, although content is totally separate.